Yesterday we had our quarterly Winning Strategies session which is an opportunity for us to share strategies we’ve learnt over the years. Myself being exposed to many leaders in many different organisations and industries, and the Members, who form the Brains Trust, sharing lots of knowledge and experience from being ambitious and successful business leaders, parents and people giving life a good crack.
The theme for today was Hacks.
In business (and life) we all have the same amount of time in a day and are all focused on achieving the most we can in that time, whilst maintaining balance. We measure our success at this game as progress, and as you may have noticed we all enjoy progress, and particularly accelerated progress.
Between myself and the Brains Trust we shared ways to accelerate our progress which ranged from shoe and attire hacks through to food, health, harmony, and business automation hacks.
Some of the Members, at first, weren’t sure if they had hacks which would be useful to others, however, it became abundantly clear that some of the hacks we’ve set up and take for granted are valuable to others.
One thing is for sure, all hacks make our lives easier and more fun.
Might be a good idea to ask members of your team (and your friends) for a list of hacks that they enjoy that make their life and business easier. We have the benefit of having a group of accomplished leaders in their fields all in one place, at the same time, working together to accelerate each others progress.
What’s a hack you’ve established to accelerate your progress in this wonderful game of life?
Hacking it
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