Do you meditate?
Do you understand why more and more successful and fulfilled business leaders are meditators?
With 27+ years of experience in meditation, and the 8+ years coaching leaders, I’ve discovered that the reason many leaders don’t have a regular meditation practise is because they don’t really understand the benefits and probably don’t have context for the learning journey. This means that when they find it difficult, they are more likely to stop, lacking motivation to get themselves over the initial ‘hump’ or stages of practise, to the amazing benefits on the other side.
In today’s Thursday HotSeat, I took Members on a deep-dive into the practical applications of meditation for creating the life and business of their dreams. Even if you are a regular meditator, this information could be interesting for you.
My take on the stages of the ‘learning to meditate’ journey, are as follows:
Stage 1. Body awake, mind awake (high distraction, low focus – perhaps experiencing mind chatter, needing to change position, having an itch etc)
Stage 2. Body asleep, mind asleep (low distraction, low focus – perhaps experiencing nodding off for short or longer periods of time)
Stage 3. Body asleep, mind awake (extremely low distractions and extremely high focus – this is where you are accessing alpha, theta or delta brainwaves and is where the magic happens)
Once you have mastered having your mind awake and your body asleep, you will notice that thoughts no longer have charge or your attention, and thus dissipate. You will be left with an emptiness or a blank canvas, otherwise known as the Unknown, where all possibilities exist.
This gives you an opportunity to introduce and cultivate a new idea, which I’d recommend be your single most important intention at that time. As M Business Club Coach, and World Champion Iron Man Trev Hendy says, ‘All thought forms have lifeforce’, and once you’ve cleared your mind of random thoughts, you can intentionally drop in your clearest, most important visions to give them more focus and lifeforce, and thus they will grow.
The supernatural and synchronicities in your life will increase significantly. You can start to fill the blank space in meditation with your visions more and more, and use your heightened state of focus and low distraction levels to bring them to fruition. Clarity, ease and flow will become more and more familiar in your real world experience.
If you aren’t currently a meditator (or if you are, however don’t feel fully committed), you can have your own experience of how meditation could positively influence your life and business, by following this simple process below:
- Find a quiet space where you won’t be interrupted
- Set your phone timer for 3 minutes
- Sit quietly and bring your focus to your breath. Slow your breathing and focus only on the movement of air in and out of your lungs
When your 3 minutes is up, I suggest you ask yourself these questions:
– Did you enjoy the pause?
– How well did you focus solely on your breath for the full 3 minutes?
– Do you think that an increased ability to focus could improve your performance in life and business?