In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat, we looked at ways to get really clear on our drivers.. not just in business, but in life as well.
Do you know what is it that really gets you out of bed in the morning? What do you do it all for?
We could be talking about our values, and they are relevant, however we’re actually talking about a bigger purpose and reason why we do the things we do, other than the obvious ones. The clearer our understanding of the reasons or why, the more passionately we will go about achieving our desired outcomes.
Knowing and spending time giving attention to our true drivers helps us to tap us into our innate heart intelligence, which is scientifically proven to be a senior intelligence to that of our brains. It is through these higher levels of consciousness that we access increased creativity, new perspectives and exciting solutions, that may have been otherwise out of sight or out of reach.
If you don’t know exactly what your drivers are yet, it doesn’t actually matter. You can access improved motivation by going more general in your approach, until the specifics become clear.
For example, I think it’s safe to say that we are all motivated towards more love, happiness, fun and freedom in our lives (there’s always more – right?).
Tuning into any of these aspects in more moments of your life means that you are enjoying them now, and aligning yourself with the experiences which will bring you more of these aspects.
It often seems like we’re waiting for events, people or something else to bring us an experience which will result in us feeling these things, yet the way to experience any and all of these is to practise finding ways to feel them now, particularly when things are less enjoyable, changing how you respond and who you are in those situations.
Practising heartfelt love for more of the moments will result in you enjoying more of an even keel, increased intelligence, intuition, emotional resilience, productivity, health, happiness, harmony, even your listening skills and team work will improve. You can imagine that ticking a couple of the above boxes will result also you being happier and having more fun.
With practise you’ll notice that you become clearer on what you are here for and will then consciously and almost magically move towards this.
What’s not to love? 😉