Do you have any ideas that you’ve put in the too hard basket that keep coming back to your awareness, even though you thought they were a no go or too hard?
In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat, the Member in focus shared a business expansion strategy that she said she’s been repeatedly putting in the too hard basket for a while, only to have it revisiting her thoughts as if to say ‘Don’t forget about me’.
She decided it was time to give this some attention and shared her fears around offshore expansion and the reason for the idea’s residence in the too hard basket in the first place. Her focus had been taken up with all of the unknowns and answers she didn’t have, creating uncertainty and fear to the point that the too hard basket had been the only place for it to go.
Until a week ago, when she decided it had come around too many times to be ignored and that she was ready to give it a closer inspection.
She took the opportunity in yesterday’s session to talk her way through her challenges and doubts, and received support, ideas, inspiration and contacts from the Brain’s trust. She left with a much clearer path forward as well as inspiring others on the call to move ahead with things they may have previously felt they weren’t ready to activate.
The voice of inspiration, source, divine guidance or whatever you like to call it is speaking to all of us, all of the time. However, it can easily be drowned out by our mind chatter, busyness, fears and doubts. It takes a conscious decision to quieten the chatter, listen, and then to be willing to explore these thoughts, regardless of the perceived obstacles which may or may not actually be there.
Is there anything trying to climb back out of your too hard basket that might be prompting you to act on it?
It’s worth a thought.
Wishing you a wonderful end to your week.