Given the opportunity, why wouldn’t you grow your business?
A valuable question indeed. And a question that in some cases is even more valuable, is
Given the opportunity, why would you grow your business?
In yesterday’s Meeting of the Titan’s session, our Member in focus shared that since he started his business 15 years ago, he’s felt an urge to keep growing and expanding and is now asking himself if that’s still what he really wants to do.
In the face of another record month, he has brought into question the assumption that creating growth is still the goal and what he wants to put his time and focus into above all else.
This is a great line of self-inquiry, which digs into the heart of our values and principles, if we let it, potentially uncovering who we really are and what is most important to us.
As with many great questions, the answer (of whether to grow or not) is kind of irrelevant. It’s the journey and discovery that the question provokes which offers value here.
If you’ve had any similar ponderings, some other great questions to consider are:
Do you feel passionate about the work that you do currently?
If you were financially free and never had to work again, would you still want to be involved with your business in some way?
In this situation, is there something else you would want to spend your time doing instead, or as well?
Sitting with these questions can provide a broader perspective and ensure that we are setting our course based on intrinsic values and dreams, rather than extrinsic influences, expectations or reliance.
This is a key to ensuring that we’re undertaking heart-led action and therefore creating fulfilling and joyful outcomes in our lives and businesses.