Do you remember the last time you experienced being significantly challenged in your business?
Did you have a tight group of successful and committed comrades to provide their laser-focused insight to help you through?
There’s nothing quite like it.
The Member in focus at today’s Thursday HotSeat on Zoom was visibly moved by the amount of support, solutions, ideas and advice that he received from the other Club Members in attendance.
His challenge, which I am sure you will relate to as a business leader yourself, was how to manage the expansion of a new arm of his business, without the cash flow he needed to get the staff and equipment necessary to do it the way he would like.
As usual, the Brain’s Trust didn’t disappoint, and he closed out our meeting with a tear in his eye as he thanked the other attendees from the bottom of his heart, and set off to implement everything he had just gained from their collective knowledge and experience.
However, it doesn’t often happen this way in normal life or business..
We all have ambitious and successful people that we know, possibly even friends, however without a structured think-tank and an objective facilitator, very few leaders benefit from this kind of value from their friends or acquaintances – no matter how successful or experienced they are.
Just this afternoon I met with a guy who is very successful in the bitcoin space and is connected to lots of the ‘who’s who’ in Silicon Valley. He concurs that having knowledgeable friends as mentors is not the same as being part of a structured group which has been created for the purpose of supporting collective success, who meet at a regular scheduled time, and are facilitated by someone who has been trained professionally to do so. Chalk and cheese.
Nor is it as beneficial as having a coach to locate your blind spots, is willing to break rapport and be totally honest, and deliver the insights in a way which is palatable, in order to help you achieve your goals.
What’s your experience of this?