“You’ve got this, you always do. Unless you believe you don’t” – Leigh Eggins
Self belief is grossly underrated, let me explain why…
To achieve our life or business goals, you must believe that you can actually achieve them. Sounds pretty simple, HOWEVER, therein lies the problem.
We often think we believe in ourselves however this feeling is typically surface level belief (you know what I’m talking about), it’s not deep rooted in your core.
In other words, we THINK we can achieve something (anything!) however we don’t wholeheartedly BELIEVE that we can. Am I making sense now?
The truth is that most of us lack true belief in ourselves.
I’m not talking about hope or faith, by this I mean ‘hoping for the best’ or just ‘having faith’ that things will happen for us.
Do not underestimate the power of self belief. People have literally healed themselves as a result of believing it is possible. Ever heard of the placebo effect?
Ok, let’s talk Science for a minute!
Christian Jarrett hits the nail on the head in his digest article, The Placebo Effect, Digested – 10 Amazing Findings.
“The term “placebo effect” is short-hand for how our mere beliefs about the effectiveness of an inert treatment or intervention can lead to demonstrable health benefits and cognitive changes – an apparently incontrovertible demonstration of the near-magical power of mind over matter.”
In simple terms, the placebo effect is a product of expectation. The human brain anticipates a particular outcome, and because that belief is so strong, the desired result is produced.
The placebo effect proves the fact that ‘belief’ is vital to the human mind. If your belief in something (i.e. your own ability, your health or a desired outcome) is strong enough, it will happen.
Remember this… Self belief is the key to the door of our highest potential, and we own the master key.
Most people ‘dabble’ in building their self belief. You have to practise believing in yourself, and surround yourself with people who activate the placebo effect in you by seeing the future version of you. Like anything else you’ve become great at, it takes mental and visceral practise.
Top 3 Tips for building self belief…
- Remember that Consistency Drives Confidence. It can be as simple as making your bed every day. Anything you commit to and consistently achieve will grow your confidence and self belief.
- If you’re not already Meditating as part of a daily routine, I highly recommend starting on the journey. You can begin with as little as 3 minutes each morning.
- Surround yourself with people who believe in, encourage and love you.
Sources and further reading: