You built the dream, planned for it, immersed yourself in it.. and so you became it.
In today’s Thursday HotSeat, we looked at the part that mental rehearsal and visualisation plays in achieving our dreams. It may not be the action that we would put at the top of our ‘To Do’ list for creating success in life and business, but perhaps it should be.
As an example, using graphical representation or graphs of your expenses, revenue and cash flow, both now and as you would like them to be in the future (forecasting) is a great way to support visualisation of your intended path. Put them around your workspace and spend a few minutes each day imagining those numbers going off the charts, to have you primed and ready to make decisions that lead to your ideal result.
Engaging our sub-conscious mind in the creation of our experience is key to making sure that the physical actions we take are both aligned and effective. If we can consciously and sub-consciously live an experience as if it is real, we create better focus and ability to discern the opportunities, solutions and right moves to get there. We recognise and appreciate the ‘how’s’ and ‘who’s’ when they show up.
Whatever experience it is that you would like to have in your life or business, visualise it for a few minutes each day from a first person perspective (through your own eyes). In time you will become unconsciously competent at this practise, and will love the results.
Want it to be more potent or powerful?
Take it into your meditation practice and do your best to immerse yourself fully in that reality, with all the sights, sounds, thoughts and feelings that go with it.