Yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat session highlighted the quality of conversations we are privileged to enjoy within the Club.
The comment that I have probably received the most through feedback about the Club over the years has spoken to the impact of this too. Members have reported in different ways, that although they know many successful business leaders like themselves outside of the Club, they don’t have conversations with them that they have within the Club.
I put this down to two main factors. Because meetings are scheduled and Members know that they are connecting regularly, rapport is continually strengthened and conversations are continued and deepened. The second reason is because of facilitation which supports all of the above.
This enables honest sharing and a depth of communication that takes the conversation way beyond surface level, allowing the recognition of shared perspectives and the elevation of that through communication. The genuine interest in each other’s success and what’s important to us as individuals builds a camaraderie that makes it easy to have conversations that might be considered uncomfortable in a different setting, or might be limited to a close loved one.
Sharing our wins, dreams, difficulties and learnings, both in business and life as a whole, is so enriching and fun that it becomes effortless to have real, meaningful and super valuable conversations.