Have you ever considered what the driving force is, behind you wanting to grow and expand your business?
In today’s Meeting of the Titans, the Member in focus asked for support in developing training and other processes, so that he could get ready to scale his Company from offering a local service, to operating nationally.
The Brains Trust didn’t disappoint, with many practical and strategic suggestions, offers of collaboration and high value contacts to help with this outcome.
However, an interesting question was also echoed through the group, which was:
Why is itthat you want to grow your business further?
They shared their experiences of running large companies and that you can reach a point where you have to keep growing because you’ve got too large and can be left wondering if you were better off before, when you were smaller and thriving.
It pays to truly know why you want to grow your business and what the actual outcome is that you are after, so that you can discern whether pursuing new horizons is the right move for you.
And as successful business leaders, we have no shortage of drive and ambition, therefore it’s a good idea to check in with ourselves regularly, to determine whether the planned course of action is what we truly want to do and also, whether its the easiest, most fun and aligned way to get what we want.
One Member shared that in his own experience, too much growth was like a great wine, which when shared between too many people, got watered down and ended up tasting s**t for everyone 🙂