Have you ever experienced situations that seem to be on repeat and bring up the same familiar feeling each time?
It could be issues with staff members being unreliable, or people letting you down, and you feel like you’re dealing with the same stuff.. on a different day..
In today’s Meeting of the Titans, the Member in focus shared some recurring challenges that he has been having with the reliability of staff members, and explained that “this is unfortunately how it is in the building industry”.
I could see that, even with the best business strategies, he was going to find it difficult to change the situation, until he addressed that belief – did you spot it?
As human beings, we tend to subconsciously seek out experiences to validate our current belief system, even if it doesn’t support us in achieving what we really want. So we benefit most by improving both our internal game (beliefs, focus and appreciation) as well as our external game (strategies, tools and techniques) in order to create the results that we’re after.
I took the Member through a process to support him in moving beyond his limiting belief, knowing that this would then allow any external strategies that he implemented into his business to rapidly change things.
I’ve included the process here for you, so that you too can change any beliefs that aren’t serving you and have a different experience in your business and life.
PROCESS – Possibilities and Evidence
To expand your thinking beyond a stuck viewpoint (E.g. The belief that these particular issues are normal/expected in my industry), ask yourself these questions:
1. Is it possible that there is someone similar to me (EG in the same industry, country, town or even suburb) that is having your desired experience around this?
2. Is it probable that someone is having that desired experience?
3. Can you find evidence that someone is having that experience, or do you already have evidence within your current sphere?
If you don’t have evidence, spend 10 mins thinking about and researching people who are successfully enjoying your desired experience.