How much time do you spend imagining, practicing or giving bandwidth to your chosen future experience of your life and business?
In today’s Meeting of the Titans, the Member in focus was very open and honest with his present situation in his business, which had him feeling totally overwhelmed and against the clock. He was experiencing issues from being down by a couple of staff members and was falling further and further behind. This was also negatively impacting his overall Fulfilment Level – he gave it a 3 out of 10. He was even questioning his decision to ‘take an hour off’ to participate in our Club meeting.
Sound familiar?
And can you see the fatal flaw in reasoning that comes with being in overwhelm?
It reminds me of the famous insight from Albert Einstein, that ‘No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it’. What that means for us, is that it’s basically impossible to change our experience or reality whilst we are immersed in it.
For example, this Member’s reasoning from within the full body experience of overwhelm (You may be able to relate to that feeling) was that ‘taking an hour off’ to get strategic and focussed support from the Brain’s Trust of fellow million, and multi-million dollar business leaders within the Club, to help him to overcome his present challenges wasn’t really a great idea.
Hmmm.. I’m pretty sure he’d have a different opinion if he was his usual self and feeling on top of things. And that’s what commonly happens when we are experiencing overwhelm – our brain goes into survival mode, which pretty much only has fight, flight or freeze options, making higher-level thinking and discernment near on impossible.
So.. going back to Mr Einstein’s thoughts on this, it’s clear that the only way to change our present experience, is to first move beyond it.
But how can it be possible to move beyond the overwhelm and anxiety, whilst the emails continue to pile up, the financial reconciliation and last quarter’s BAS isn’t done and you’re down two sales staff?
Within the Club, we have specific tools, techniques and strategies to support us in developing mastery over our frame of mind, supporting us to move from frustration to appreciation, with practise. This allows us to change things from the inside, out and start enjoying a different experience much more quickly. However, the tools don’t work themselves. We need to take a new action and use them to get a new result.
Let me share one of our unique tools which you may or may not have heard of or used.
This is a practice to help you to gain more ability to choose your ‘state’. This is a piece of technology that connects to your phone and trains you to move from frustration to appreciation, improving heart-mind coherence. It has measured benefits across many multi-national companies that you know of, including CISCO, Shell, BP, Unilever, Boeing and many more, resulting in a 40% improvement in productivity, a 57% reduction in tension, and a 36% reduction in stress.
Could this be of benefit to you?
If the answer is ‘Hell Yes!’ or something similar, let me know through our Contact page. I will send you links and all the info so that you can start reaping the benefits for yourself. 🙂
Next is a process that you can use to move your consciousness beyond current challenges you may be experiencing in life or business, allowing you to gain the insight needed to change your experience.
- Create a list of the present challenges that you are facing in life and/or business
- Then create another column outlining your future experience of those things would look like in an ideal world. (Get out your Magic Wand and imagine your ideal situation – don’t hold back)
- Spend more and more time each day imagining, living and breathing that future experience right now, as if it is real (Whilst in the shower is a great time to do this too)
- This will change your brain, alter your decisions, and improve your ability to recognise the opportunities which are aligned with your desired outcomes
Now you’re ready for the last part, which is implementing practical steps and strategies to improve your situation.
Within the Club, we use the LEEDAA Priority Management System to strategically Eliminate, Delegate, Automate and Activate new ways of approaching our lives and businesses. This system has changed and improved the lives of many Members, reducing their work hours whilst growing their business beyond all expectations. Whichever system you use for prioritising and practical implementation, the key thing is to get yourself in a great place mentally and emotionally first.
When you align your state of mind with your desired outcome, the strategies which you then implement will be many times more potent, yielding superior results, with much less effort.