M Business Club was Founded by Leigh Eggins and 7 Founding Members in 2015 to provide Members with the connections, resources and experiences to support them in working less, earning more, and enjoying their lives even more.
Some Members have been working with Leigh since 2013, originally as business coaching clients of his Business Leadership and Success Coaching company - ENHANCED.
Leigh is semi-retired having over 27 years experience in business. From owning and managing his first business with three employees through to businesses achieving multi-million dollar revenues, he has also invested in multiple start-ups, and raised millions of dollars in capital for growing companies.
He's worked with and been trained by some of the best leadership coaches and trainers on the planet, has studied and applied many life and business enhancing modalities, lead thousands of coaching sessions, facilitated hundreds of masterminds, and trained and assisted hundreds of leaders across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.
Combining his passion, skills and rich life experience he created M Business Club to specialise in assisting high revenue business owners, entrepreneurs and founders to discover an enhanced, more enjoyable experience of life and business.
His life’s work is encapsulated in The Ultimate Freedom Formula, an advanced optimisation system for business and beyond, supporting business owners to work less, earn more, and enjoy their life even more.
In addition to his professional pursuits, he loves surfing, spending time in nature, chatting about all things expansive, and studying the most effective methods known for optimising the human experience.
In essence, through the Club, Leigh assists great people to fulfil their deepest desires, just as he has been fortunate to fulfil his own. Read more about Leigh
Membership is not for:
Membership is for:
Club benefits - Members enjoy connection, collaboration, education and inspiration through our regular online Zoom Sessions, and come together in person for our highly regarded Long Weekend Special Events and 7-Day Retreats, where they learn innovative strategies from best in class international level speakers, mastermind their lives and businesses with like-minded leaders, be inspired with new possibilities, and enjoy adventurous and fun experiences.
Coaching benefits - Improve your focus, how you feel, and your performance. Exposure of blind spots. You don’t know what you don’t know, and we ensure that by the end of a session you do. Breakthroughs happen here and in ways that you can’t possibly imagine, as most of what we discover is off your radar.
You can expect:
Importantly you’ll experience more enjoyment of your life, doing more of the things you really love, individually, and with the people that are important to you.
We will introduce you to a group of like-minded, high revenue business owners to mastermind with, form new friendships and alliances with, and expose you to proven, world leading life and business success habits and strategies.
We will also assist you with prioritising more time for enjoying your life, which will support you in making life and business decisions, increasing your fulfilment and success.
The Membership and strategies taught are based on the latest research, and are designed to (and proven to) give you much more time than you have right now. In some instances, Leigh and the Club have helped business owners save up to 55 working hours a week. One of them reduced his hours by 50 hours a week, 5 X'd his company revenue, and improved his profit significatly. He's now been a Member for nearly 9 years.
Leigh has utilised his proprietary system to save business owners and entrepreneurs many thousands of hours, while increasing their productivity and profitability significantly. You'll have much more time to do the things you've been putting off until one day/someday.
Time for you to enjoy more of your life, supported by Leigh's study and application of many life and business enhancing methods and modalities, and him having lead thousands of coaching sessions, and trained hundreds of people across Australia, New Zealand and South East Asia.
Leigh has developed a proprietary system that works for all business owners who are committed to improving their experience of life and business.
In short, with commitment you will have much more time, balance, success, and enjoyment, than you have right now. See Member Testimonials re time freedom and other benefits here.
From building tunnels under cities, to providing cloud computing for multi-nationals, to fitting out billion-dollar shopping centres, to others who are much less illustrious.
There are some whose businesses generate revenues in the 10’s of millions, a couple in the 100’s, and many below this and in between.
Although revenue is not as important as bottom line, higher revenue businesses generally operate under higher pressures and governance, and so achieving balance and greater success at these levels can be difficult.
Upon being admitted as a Member you will gain access to our private Facebook group, and our 'Black Book' or Member Directory in the Member Portal of this website, which includes all Members details, business names, websites and direct contact details.
Some Members have been in the Club since its inception in 2015, and have been coached by Leigh since 2013.
Industries include:
You can see a more complete list at the bottom of the Membership page.
1) Simply watch our Membership explainer video and then book a suitable time to meet directly with Leigh for a Discovery.
Assuming you are the decision maker, and that you may become a Member, is there anyone else who needs to be involved in your decision to become a Member of the Club? If so, Leigh recommends that you invite them to this Discovery.
We suggest that you bring your life, romantic and/or business partner to this meeting to have their questions answered directly, assisting them to have confidence in the benefits of Membership for you, your business, for them, and also to ensure they are aligned with and support your new journey.
2) You will then meet Leigh face to face on Zoom for a Discovery.
3) Once you've met face to face with Leigh, have had your questions answered, and are ready to join us; as a measure of due diligence we will then send your name, your business or company name, and website address to the Members, giving them an opportunity to approve your Membership.
The Members will be asked two questions:
A) Is _(Person or Company)_ a direct competitor?
B) Have you had any immoral dealings with _(Person or Company)_?
As a Member you will have this process protecting you in the future too, ensuring that you don't find yourself face to face at an event (online or in-person) with someone who did the wrong thing by you, or who is a direct competitor.
Members are given 48 hours to get back to us and based on the expected answers, we will then approve your Membership and on-board you. Quite often we receive messages back from Members saying things like: "I look forward to meeting ________".
We encourage you to book a time and speak directly with Leigh about your individual circumstances and what you're hoping to achieve.
Simply watch our Membership explainer video and then book a suitable time to meet directly with Leigh for a Discovery.
The initial Membership Agreement is for 12 months, however many Members have been with us for between 5 and 10 years.
We like to over deliver in value, ensuring that your life and business continue to change and improve in unexpected ways.
With your feedback and recommendations, we will continue to build a Club that you love and will want to remain a Member of for many years.
Understanding the value of our Membership is crucial before discussing the investment amounts. Many people compare services based solely on price, which can lead to commoditisation.
We recommend watching our Membership explainer video to gain a comprehensive understanding of the benefits and value we offer. The video details the Membership investments, sharing them with you once you have a clearer picture of what’s included.
Our Members frequently highlight the priceless benefits they receive, and it's our intention (and experience) that you will gain at least 10 times your financial investment with us. This significant value is why many Members have continued working with Leigh for 10+ years.
To discuss your individual circumstances and goals, we encourage you to book a time to meet directly with Leigh. This way, you can decide together if there is strong value for you and determine the Membership level that best supports your desired outcomes.
Next steps:
Absolutely. We have a 100% Money Back Guarantee
Firstly, just by hanging out with us and learning some simple strategies, we guarantee you’ll love and appreciate more of your life and business.
Financially, it’s our intention that you receive or make at least 10 times your investment with us every year, not to mention the many other priceless benefits Members receive.
We’re so confident that your Membership will result in increased profits, more time freedom and a love for your life which you didn’t know existed, that if you don’t generate at least double your annual Membership investment in the first twelve months we’ll give you 100% of your money back. Conditions apply.
Yes. While there are many personal benefits of Membership, this is a business club for business owners.
Members enjoy connection, collaboration, education and inspiration through our regular online Zoom Sessions, and come together in person, all over the south pacific, for our highly regarded Long Weekend Special Events and 7-Day Retreats.
The Long Weekend Special Events we've hosted so far have been held in Byron Bay, Port Douglas, Melbourne, Perth, Wanaka NZ, Coolendel (Sydney South Coast), Sydney, Brisbane, Gold Coast, Cairns, Tamborine, Blue Mountains and Nelson Bay.
Our 7-Day 'Disconnect to Reconnect' Retreats have been held in beautiful Bali, Airlie Beach and Queenstown NZ.
Our next Special Event is just around the corner. Will you be joining us?
If you're curious book a time to speak with Leigh.
Next steps:
25 business owners and entrepreneurs from across Australia and New Zealand.
We have recently created a new way for us to support more business owners in accessing the exceptional benefits of being a Member.
We intentionally limit the numbers to ensure that we maintain the effectiveness of the Mastermind or 'Brains Trust'.
It depends on your definition of success.
He lives on the water in the Gold Coast, works 30 hours a week, surfs, enjoys yoga twice a week, holidays 8 weeks a year, has balance, freedom, fun and fulfilment, and spends quality time with the people he loves. And he's a coach and facilitator for some of the country’s most successful business owners and entrepreneurs, assisting them to find similar freedom in their lives.
He's uniquely (in the coaching world) made, lost, raised and invested tens of millions of dollars in business over the last 27+ years, has studied and applied many life and business enhancing modalities, lead 1000's of coaching sessions, and trained and assisted hundreds of business leaders across Australia and New Zealand.
He is a philanthropist and contributes time, money and resources to causes he values.
Yes, there are Members of the Club who are more financially successful than Leigh.
So, why would they entrust Leigh in coaching or supporting them in finding more freedom, fun and fulfilment?
A great example is Tiger Woods (or almost any pro sports person). Tiger is super successful at golf. What is his coaches name? Was his coach a great golfer? You may not know any of his coaches names as they weren't as higher profile golfers as Tiger. However, they are obviously amazing coaches.
Leigh has made and lost tens of millions of dollars and has learnt lots of lessons around gaining and maintaining deep personal fulfilment and authentic success, that he imparts in a unique way which gets fantastic results.
Valuable aspects of his support and guidance are how he utilises his objective approach, developed coaching skills and rich business experience to bring out the best in people and their lives.
The main reasons are exposure of blind spots, and strategic accountability, supporting improved performance, balance and enjoyment.
We've all got blind spots. Have you ever walked into someone's business and noticed things that you would do differently or better? That's because you can see things that they can't. It's always harder for them to see things that are limiting their progress in their own life or business. It's easier for someone external to be objective and see these things, especially if they've been trained as a coach.
Some business owners share that they have a group of successful friends that they've been meeting with who assist them with progressing their lives and businesses. We know from experience and studies that these business owners are not progressing as rapidly as their counterparts or competitors who have a professional coach or coaches. Why not?
Aside from the fact that their friends have not been trained as coaches, and even if they have, your friends are not willing to break rapport with you by mentioning the aspects that they believe you could improve, to assist you in getting a better result. They are your friends because you maintain rapport with each other.
Coaching is particularly beneficial when you’re being challenged to change, which is always, when you are ambitious and committed to becoming the best version of yourself. During more challenging and changing times, coaching is even more beneficial.
As creatures of habit, change is our least favourite undertaking, so we engage coaches to notice what we’re not noticing and assist us with the creative changes necessary to realise our goals.
Right now, is a unique opportunity to create amazing breakthroughs in the way you do business. You can break down, or break through. It’s an easy choice.
Elite sports people and teams wouldn't dream of competing without a coach. Why would high revenue business owners and entrepreneurs be any different?
For the above mentioned reasons Leigh gets coached fortnightly by a professional coach. Hear Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt's advice re Coaching (42 second video)
"Nobody needs Coaching. Everybody benefits from Coaching" - Leigh Eggins
Immediately, upon implementing the agreed strategies. You can expect a financial ROI within 90 days, depending on your level of engagement and implementation of the agreed strategies.
Absolutely. We recognise and appreciate the value of both business and romantic partners sharing in the journey of Members. As such, partners are invited to all in-person events.
We don't. Over the years we've had many ambitious business owners and entrepreneurs approach us with an interest in joining. Given the agreed philosophy that we become the average of the people we spend or invest most of our time with, many are attracted to joining us for this reason, as they would like to improve their average.
Some of the ambitious business leaders who've approached us turn over less than $1M, even though we've shared that the Club is for high revenue business owners, hence the name M Business Club. I applaud these requests and there was a time when we created a group specifically for them, however that is no longer the case.
If you're turning over a minimum of $1M and are interested in the assistance we offer high revenue business owners and entrepreneurs in business growth, additional time freedom and deeper personal fulfilment, we recommend that you book a time with Leigh to discuss your desired outcomes.
Next steps:
It's not. We do currently have more men as Members, however we'd love to see more women join us so they too can reap the benefits.
If you're a woman reading this and you like what we're about, we encourage you to apply to join us as a Member, as we value all perspectives that support us all in more purposeful, balanced, enjoyable lives and businesses.
We have a number of women joining us at our in-person events, as the life, romantic and/or business partners of many of the male Members.
If you're wondering if we have rich, egotistical men who love to talk about themselves and their success, the answer is no. We don't attract those types, and if we did, they wouldn't be offered Membership.
The youngest Member is 28 and the oldest is 68. Many of the Members are aged between 35 and 55.
We are primarily focused in two areas, Personal Development and Business Development.
Personal Development: The very latest research into neuroscience and peak performance. Leigh has had an avid interest and passion for personal development from an early age, and has since studied many life and business enhancing modalities, and has benefited from shared strategies which support peak performance and increased fulfilment.
Business Development: Studies of the most successful companies in the world and the future of business. As a Business Leadership and Success Coach, Leigh has studied, applied, and coached many company owners in the strategies used by exponential organisations.
In short, it's based on well researched strategies which get results.
For a few important reasons:
We become the average of the people we spend most of our time with.
To create an environment that supports high revenue business owners in living the lives they really love.
In response to a need for high revenue business owners and entrepreneurs, who have outgrown their less ambitious friends, to have a group of like-minded business owners and entrepreneurs to network and share their ideas with, and to adventure and share experiences with.
It can be lonely at the top. Most networking breakfasts and the like are made up of lower revenue business leaders, and don't provide the higher revenue network, inspiration, or the adventure aspects that we offer.
Members have shared that although some of them do know successful, high revenue leaders, they get significantly more benefit from the conversations with Members, the Success Coaching (business and life coaching) they receive, and the opportunities that they discover within the Club.
"Leigh Eggins runs one of the best entrepreneurial business owners groups in the world: M Business Club.
I have had the pleasure of being involved as a speaker for one of his in-person events and several online sessions. M Business Club has an energy unlike any other group that I have spoken to anywhere in the world.
The Members are outstanding individuals, many of them with incredible unsung success and love serving one another. Leigh has transformed the Member's lives through his coaching - I know, they tell me so!
If you're looking to have more time, while being even more successful - you owe it to yourself to find out more."
"I re-found my spark of enthusiasm and belief. Within three months my income had climbed more than 100% and my personal fulfilment rose immeasurably."
— Maurice Goldberg, International Artist and Entrepreneur (BRW Fastest 100 List for 3-years) – Sydney
"With Leigh's assistance my business has MORE THAN DOUBLED, I’m working less, profits are up over 260%, I've regained my confidence, have clear plans, significantly stepped up, and am having much more fun"
— Doug Woodford, Director, REDBEAR IT - Melbourne
"Our business was taking me 80+ hours a week to run and manage and was far from automated. Since working with you I’m now working a maximum of 35 hours a week, enjoying much more of my life with my family and we’re at least 12-months ahead of our goals to grow and automate our business"
— Ian Forster, Director, Arrow Logistics – Toowoomba