In yesterday’s Meeting of the Titans session (first one for the year) we again saw the undeniable power of the Brains Trust at work, supporting the Member in focus to consider all sides of some big decisions he is currently navigating, which will determine where a large portion of his time, energy and money goes over the next few years.
As a successful business leader yourself, I am sure you love the feeling of being in charge of your own destiny and living or dying by your own sword.
And perhaps there are times when what you’d really love is some focussed attention and support from a group of big-hitters who are willing to give you their undivided attention and assistance in either overcoming challenges or capitalising on opportunities which appear valuable.
Being asked perceptive and poignant questions to help you to discover whether what you’ve been planning is what you really want, and whether there may be a simpler, more fun, or more fulfilling way to achieve the same outcome.
Dedicated, knowledgeable, experienced, attention, focussed solely on seeing you win in whatever ways are most important to you.
It’s an honour to be a part of providing that support to fellow leaders who are willing to let you into their world, and invite your thoughts, guidance and experience to contribute to their journey.
It’s certainly a collaboration where everybody wins and all emerge stronger.