In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat, we took a deep-dive into the mechanism behind enjoying a life and business by design. The simplicity of it is that whatever the desired outcome is, it’s the decision and commitment that needs to come first, followed by the discipline and willingness to enforce the boundaries of that new reality, based on a belief in it being available to us.
For example, in order to work your ideal number of hours and realise your ideal financial gain within that time frame, you would first want to know what that truly looks like for you, based on your belief that it is possible for you, i.e. if you had a magic wand, how many hours would you work and with what turnover or income generated?
Then secondly, you would need to commit to achieving this, with your decision being backed by the willingness to be disciplined in holding your boundaries.
Sounds simple right?
And the truth is, it is simple and can even become easy with practice.
However, there are a few ingredients necessary that you may need to cultivate if you are not used to operating this way, that will likely hamper your efforts if they are not in place.
A key point is that knowing what you actually want and what is ideal for you, is not related to any external circumstances like what you think is possible, what you’ve achieved before or what your competitors have managed to do.
It is purely a question of what you would choose, if you could choose anything you like.
And if the truthful answer is 0 hours, this may be a great time to consider ways to increase your fulfilment level with what you are currently doing, or look at what you might be happier doing instead and how to get there. The same mechanism and process applies
Once you are clear on what feels right, committing or deciding to enjoy that experience for yourself (even if you can’t exactly see how to do that just yet) and then being willing to enforce the new parameters, allows the transformation to begin.
You may have heard the expression that diamonds are created under pressure and it is definitely relevant here. The framework of your decision and your discipline to move the needle in the intended direction, creates the pressure necessary to develop new ideas, processes, levels of focus and ultimately new outcomes, which had previously not been enough of a necessity to warrant.
Ultimately, it’s not about having the time or attempting to stop others from interfering with our plans when optimising our experience. It originates with belief it’s possible, discipline to do the thing, and the willingness to get creative to support the desired outcomes.