What if I told you that the ONLY goal you need to focus on to live the life of your dreams in a very enjoyable and fulfilling way, is to achieve and maintain a state of Consistent Coherence?
In yesterday’s Thursday HotSeat the Member in focus received support from myself and the Brains Trust to improve clarity and discernment regarding priorities and the best way to focus and leverage his time and energy between a few projects.
A truth that I know for sure, after 27+ years in business, a decade working with successful business leaders and entrepreneurs, plus a lifetime dedicated to my own personal growth journey, is that the single most important thing we can work on to create next level success and deeper personal fulfilment is our internal state. Or in a word, our level of internal ‘Coherence’. You may already understand that your external world is a reflection of your internal world. Coherent inside, coherent outside.
When related to our internal world, coherence is the state achieved when the Heart and Brain/Mind are working together in harmony. The Heart is actually leading the way in this instance, with the Brain/Mind using its considerable talents to support the intuition, wisdom and guidance that the Heart provides.
Did you know that Science provides evidence that the Heart is actually a higher intelligence than the Brain/Mind?
In fact, there are more neurons that run from what’s described as the Heart-mind to the Brain than the other way around. Check out this article published in Psychology Today “Your Heart’s Electromagnetic field is your Superpower” for a more in-depth look at that.
Based on this understanding, it is easy to see that doing life and business whilst operating solely from the Brain/Mind would produce limited results at best. Logic and reasoning relies largely on past and current experience (yours and other people’s), to make decisions and can quite easily get into a circular thought pattern without the inspiration of fresh possibilities for the future. Perhaps you can relate?
Conversely, if the most coherent version of ourselves is the one in the driver’s seat, then nothing is out of reach, as we have the true power of both our Heart and Brain/Mind at our disposal.
So how do we get there?
To boil it down to a very simple answer, progressively fall more in love with your life, one moment at a time. Invest more time, energy and focus in trusting and following your Heart. Do more things that you love, with people you love, more of the time.
We employ a technique which is as simple as breathing. Takes practise. Works wonders, supporting a 40% increase in productivity, 36% reduction in stress (averages measured across thousands of employees at multi-national companies such as Shell, BP, Unilever and Cisco) and even improves listening skills.
Love is a gateway to internal coherence, as is gratitude and appreciation.
Another potent practice that you can use to build internal coherence is meditation. This builds the Heart-Brain bridge (that’s the communication pathway between the two), which is the foundation for having both centres working synergistically. This in turn creates a similar synergy with our external world, resulting in increased ease, efficiency, flow, fun & fulfilment in everything we do.
In the words of a Club Member at a recent event “Who doesn’t want that?!”