Put your hand up if you would like to clone your best clients ✋
In yesterday’s Meeting of the Titans the Sydney based Member in focus explained that he has had to take on more domestic work, due to the lockdowns and the current climate, pivoting his building and construction business away from his preferred commercial projects.
And now, with the potential of things opening back up, he has the opportunity to get back to the bigger commercial fit-out work that he really loves.
His question was, how could he best get in front of more upper echelon commercial clients?
He doesn’t need many additional clients to keep his team busy and his company growing at a manageable rate, so I shared a simple process to clone a couple of his best clients quickly.
Take a minute to think about your 3 best clients, and write their names down.
Now get ready for an ‘Acres of Diamonds’ moment as the simplicity and genius of this process becomes apparent (and if you are not familiar with the valuable fable, Acres of Diamonds’, you can check out the book here).
The process is as follows:
1. Pick your 3 best clients (the ones you would like to clone)
2. Call each of them and ask them what are the top 3 aspects they appreciate about your product or service
3. Ask who do they know who would benefit from those 3 aspects. And whether they would be willing to introduce you to them
4. If the answer is yes, suggest that they email an intro and cc you, or even better, a phone call to the person and then email intro
5. Ask them when they would expect to be able to do that so that you have permission to follow them up
And that’s it. Easy and fun. You can get ‘two birds with one stone’ by asking if they are willing to share the benefits they’ve realised from your product or service on a Google Review.
As you would know if you’ve read the Acres of Diamonds fable, everything we need to create everything we want is quite often right under our nose 🙂