Our last Meeting of the Titans session for the year was all about expanded thinking and the dynamite strategy necessary to make those thoughts a reality.
You could say that any successful business leader is clearly capable of expansive, big picture thinking and action. However, there is something about bringing a group of visionary leaders together in a facilitated environment, and having them collectively focus on supporting one of their own, that extends and expands the conversation and possibilities way beyond where any one of us travel alone.
The process that unfolded took the Member in focus into a higher level of vision than he had previously been. With the support of the group, he was able to also revisit possibilities that had seemed out of reach.
One question we considered was what it would look like if we aimed to increase our businesses by 10X. If you’ve read the book ‘BOLD’, you’ll recognise that this is actually one of Google’s strategies for exponential growth.
The Member in focus for this session was extremely appreciative of the suggestions, tips, experience, strategies and contacts that were shared by the Brains Trust, and this was shared by other attendees including a Member who’s been with us just over 9 years (3 x BRW listed), specifically sharing his deep appreciation for the unique privilege we have in connecting and Masterminding in the way we do, with the people we do.
It pays to be BOLD in both thought and action, and having a supportive group of fellow leaders by your side definitely makes it easier, more enjoyable and achievable.