If you were to only do what you love, with the people you love, what would you change about your regular week, what you focus on, and when?
In yesterday’s Meeting of the Titans, this was a question that came up, related to supporting the Member in focus in be having his ideal experience, enjoying and having fun in his business, with a core Team of people who he loves working with. It is not uncommon for successful leaders to find themselves compromising on ideal scenario and working with less than ideal clients, or perhaps losing clarity of direction and ending up taking a direction which isn’t supporting the intended outcomes.
Perhaps you can relate?
This is less to do with the other people or situations involved and more to do with us gaining the ability to firstly know what would be ideal for us, and then secondly making decisions and taking action based on that, without being swayed by external circumstance or expectation.
Most of us have been influenced by the challenging events our predecessors went through before us, not only in the way they then prepared us to expect challenge, but also genetically, meaning our system won’t feel quite right without challenge.
Within the Club we utilise techniques to alleviate the resistance that can be caused by subconscious patterns or programming which may be muddying the waters and keeping us challenged and our desired outcomes just out of reach.
This is about leveraging ourselves as the best, most capable version of us, with the largest capacity to receive and enjoy all the awesomeness that is available to us in every moment.
Doing this inner work lays the perfect foundation for then applying practical strategies to maximum effect, such as structuring your week to support increased enjoyment and productivity.
None of us know how long we have on this earth, so prioritising our enjoyment of what we do on a daily basis ASAP is surely one of the most important things we can attend to 🙂