How clearly can you articulate what drives you to do what you do?
Today’s Thursday HotSeat, brought into focus the importance of identity and purpose in our businesses. Our ability to firstly define, and secondly articulate what drives us to do what we do is of the utmost importance.
The Edelman Trust Barometer, which gauges trust in various sectors with data collected from 28 countries and 36,000 respondents, states that in 2022 you’ll gain more trust as a future-focussed leader, than those with a more traditional outlook.
According to the data, institutions lacking a vision and purpose for the future are seen as less trustworthy, with people instead putting their trust in organisations which they believe are purpose-driven, honest and fair.
Today’s Member in focus gained a shift in perspective on a challenge he’d been having with hiring a new foreman for his award-winning landscaping company. He realised that the strong heart and purpose which is infused through everything he does in the business, was not present in the job advertisement in the same way. Therefore, in this new climate, interest in the position had been low.
It seems the adventures of the past two years have offered and highlighted a new choice point for employees across the board, in terms of how and where they choose to invest their time and attention.
Therefore, the movement of people between industries and jobs that is being experienced in some industries and companies is arguably a reset towards more heart-led and conscious decision making. It’s important to note that there is still roughly the same amount of people available. It’s just that they’re making new choices which serve their interests better.
It is an invitation to us as business leaders who are wanting to work with a purpose-driven and aligned team to revisit what value we are really providing, to both customers and Team members. When we communicate that effectively, we’re able to attract people who have aligned values and are looking for a role that they feel inspired about.
At M Business Club, for example, we are a community of ambitious business leaders who accelerate the realisation of our business and individual goals through making valuable connections, collaboration and receiving success coaching. Our success coaching programs ensure that leaders focus, feel and perform their best. The result? They love their lives and businesses more than they believed was possible.
Having clarity around this has enabled me to put together a purpose-driven and aligned Team who each have their own life goals, and are passionate to support others in achieving theirs.
This creates an environment of fun, flow and excellence where we as a Team put our heart and soul into everything we do, each playing a unique and fundamental role.
I couldn’t imagine life without them and I know they feel the same.