Do you have remote Team members in your business?
Are you aware of how much the introduction of 5G has impacted and improved the scope and effectiveness of remote operations?
In today’s session with house futurist, Craig Rispin, we covered a lot of ground. From strong growth in the emerging energy storage industry, to flying taxis which are set to come our way in 2024.
Craig delivers valuable info regarding trends, growth industries, strategies and what’s new in technology, whilst personalising it and supporting Members to find how it relates to themselves and their businesses/investments.
One discussion-point from today’s session that is becoming increasingly relevant across all industries, is the role of remote workers.
Before the pandemic, approximately 18% of people were working from home. This number spiked during the pandemic and now we’re on the other side, it has settled at around 30%. Meaning that for many businesses, having Team members working remotely is a reality, and perhaps even considered a necessity, in terms of proofing the business for possible future events.
Craig explained how the introduction of 5G and the IoT (Internet of Things) has supercharged the scope and performance of remote workers, due to the low latency it provides. This means that responses to stimuli can occur in tiny fractions of a second, making complex remote work possible.
For example, remote operators are now able to drive heavy machinery, which is particularly useful in challenging environments (extreme heat or cold etc). They are also able to switch between sites in seconds and operate machinery in different places, as needed, from their remote location.
The other enhancement provided by 5G is the ability to add AI to remote Team operations, which can increase productivity and quality by many multiples. Also, tools like Slack, WhatsApp and Zoom have become commonplace for anyone conducting remote operations and makes it much easier to build culture and connection with a remote Team.
If you haven’t yet taken the plunge with recruiting remote Team members, my recommendation is to jump in and get your feet wet by speaking with agencies and others who can assist you. M Business Club has 4 remote team members who are all A Players. Finding that calibre of people and understanding how to build culture with them, being remote, took time and lots of learning. One of the key lessons which I continue to get better at is to delegate, delegate, delegate.
Platforms like LinkedVA and Upwork make it very easy to get started and have many processes in place to support you finding (and keeping) the right people.