Could a fixed way of viewing something be hindering your ability to see and seize a golden opportunity?
In today’s Meeting of the Titans, the Member in focus shared some challenges (opportunities) he is experiencing in his significant Landscape Maintenance business. In this post-covid era, with many people rethinking their priorities, and with staff changing jobs and industries, he has recently lost about 25% of his workforce.
He has drastically decreased sales and marketing and is turning jobs away whilst he puts all his efforts into recruitment to service his existing, valued clients. However, it hasn’t proved fruitful thus far and he has been struggling to see a way forward.
The Brains Trust shared their considerable wisdom and experience from having navigated similar situations. They also shared the habits they’ve developed which enable them to be at their best and with reduced stress levels, helping them to see the opportunities in the challenges, and to support everything working better.
Meditation is a practice that topped the list, and this is one of the skills that we recommend in the Club, in order to access higher levels of thinking and consciousness to operate from, in life and business.
It increases one’s ability to entertain infinite possibilities and opportunities within a situation. Building flexibility of thought and mind, and the ability to pivot in time to seize opportunities.
It is common for business leaders who don’t use a mindfulness practise to have fixed viewpoints, rigid thinking about how things are supposed to be, or attachment to certain outcomes, which actually hampers efforts. This keeps one in reaction, sometimes feeling hopeless, resulting in the need to do more and more to try and ‘fix’ something whilst losing sight of how they may have become a part of the problem.
At that point, we are essentially inside the problem trying to find a solution, rather than understanding that there isn’t a problem, only an opportunity for expansion which will always work out in our favour should we have the mindset to recognise it.